Southern Tanzania Safari Options

Southern Tanzania and Western Circuit are the places for more experienced or adventurous travelers who want to take the road less traveled in Tanzania. These parts of the country offer an authentic ‘wild’ experience with views almost for yourself. In the South you will find pristine national parks like Mikumi National Park, Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Ruaha National Park and Nyerere National Park (Formerly know as Selous Game Reserves). Here you can explore the Rufiji River with its many hippos, crocodiles and beautiful birdlife. The ‘wild west’ of Tanzania is the most remote and least visited part of the country. Step back in time and discover Katavi National park, one of the few places on earth where you can see more lions than people. Or get up close to wild chimpanzees in the remote Mahale Mountains, at the eastern shores of Lake Tanganyika.

Southern Tanzania Sample Safari Itineraries

Day Trips Sample Itineraries – With this option you can have day trip to Mikumi National Park starting from Dar Es Salaam or Morogoro town or Mikumi town. But also we organize day trips to Zanzibar Island starting from Dar Es Salaam.

2 Days Sample Itineraries – Better to spend a night than a day trip, with this option to visit Mikumi National Park, Udzungwa Mountains, Saadani National Park or Zanzibar Island you will spend 2 days with 1 night for the tour.

3 Days Sample Safari Itineraries – This is our preferred safari option if you have the time to spend 3 days and 2 nights. It is possible to go to Mikumi National Park, Nyerere National Park, Udzungwa Mountains, Saadani National Park, Ruaha National Park and also a combination of 2 to parks is possible.

4 Days Sample Safari Itineraries and 5 Days Sample Safari Itineraries – if you have more time then you can do a 4 or a 5 days safari in Southern Tanzania. This will allow you to combine 2 to 3 National Park during the trip and get to experience different attractions including visiting local tribes too.

Longer Sample Safari Itineraries – With many attractions available in Southern Tanzania including National Parks, Game reserves, friendly local people and tribes it is possible to engage into a longer safari option and even be able to combine parks in Southern, Western or to Northern Tanzania and Zanzibar Island.

For more about Safari options in Southern Tanzania contact us